World’s Dumbest Intern Applicant Strikes Again!

A little while ago, we examined the true story of a true idiot who – in his attempt to win an internship with a Fortune 500 company – hilariously insulted the hiring manager and perfectly personified the image of the “entitled trophy kid” otherwise known as today’s millennial.

Well, I’m actually happy to report that with this kid, the hits just keep on coming! Gawker reported today that another email has been sent to the hiring manger. This time, the kid asks the hiring manager to give him her supervisor’s name so that he can have her fired. (Sure, okay, let me get that info for you right now!)

 The insane part is that I really think this kid believes he is right here – on all of it. Even reading the story on Gawker and all the countless comments from other people stating how moronic his actions were, this kid still believes he was right. And, he actually believes that a) this company doesn’t already know about this email exchange and b) upon learning that a blacked-out copy of the email exchange made its way around the web, this company will fire their hiring manager and give her job to the kid who can’t spell “fact” and who doesn’t get that he is not the most important person in the universe.

Ah well … if nothing else, he sure is entertaining! Here’s hoping for more blind arrogance from the would-be intern from hell.

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