LinkedIn Beefs Up Community/Group Features

LinkedIn has added some new features to their Groups this week that will make networking and information-sharing easier while allowing you to better position yourself as a thought leader and/or identify other thought leaders around specific topics.

I’m happy to see that LinkedIn has beefed up the “social” tools within their community, although it still amazes me how few people take advantage of the lead-generating world that is LinkedIn. Here are some of the changes:

Searching Made Easier:

LinkedIn added levels to the search criteria from industry to specific keywords and activity.

Identify the Influencers:

You can quickly see who has the most activity within groups and easily track all of the posts/comments that person has made in the specific group. You can also easily identify the most popular discussions within any specific category.

Liking and Commenting:

Taking a tip from Facebook, LinkedIn now allows you to “like” and post comments in a FB-style format.

Easier Browsing of Discussions:

The group discussions have been re-formatted so it is easier to browse the three most recent comments in a discussion and follow the conversation. You can also more easily see member-generated conversations and news in one setting without having to click through the tabs from one to the other.

I really can’t encourage you all enough to engage in the LinkedIn community to drive new business leads and establish your thought leadership, especially now that the site is making collaboration even easier.

Here is a video taking you through some of the new features.

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