Lets Reporters Vent Anonymously

In the 1976 classic Network, journalist Howard Beale shouted the now famous, line “I’m as mad as hell and I’m not gonna take it anymore!” Well, it

April Fool’s Jokes Backfire, Create PR Nightmares

So, it’s April Fool’s Day. Those who know me know I love playing pranks on people. I once changed the name on my former CEO’s

Blogger Gets Book Deal Through Social Media Success

If you’ve ever doubted the legitimacy of the blog itself, the power of viral marketing as a PR tactic, or the value of bloggers as

Holy Viral Marketing Batman!

In January, I pondered the future of The Dark Knight’s viral marketing/PR campaign after the tragic loss of Heath Ledger. As you may recall, a Hollywood pal of

The Press Release is Not Dead – It’s Evolved

I saw today that someone on Linked In asked if press releases are dead. As usual, it sparked quite a debate just as it has

Study Shows Thinking Apple Makes You Think Differently

The power of branding has reached a new level, ladies and gentlemen. As some of you know, my favorite example of brand identity is Apple

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